25 research outputs found

    Voice Assessments for Detecting Patients with Parkinson’s Diseases in Different Stages

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    Recently, a wide range of speech signal processing algorithms (dysphonia measures) aiming to detect patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD). So we have computed 19 dysphonia measures from sustained vowels collected from 375 voice samples from healthy and people suffer from PD. All the features are analysed and the more relevant ones are selected by the Principal component analysis (PCA) to classify the subjects in 4 classes according to the UPDRS (unified Parkinson’s disease Rating Scale) score. We used k-folds cross validation method with (k=4) validation scheme; 75% for training and 25% for testing, along with the Support Vector Machines (SVM) with its different types of kernels. The best result obtained was 92.5% using the PCA and the linear SVM

    Effective Detection of Parkinson’s Disease at Different Stages using Measurements of Dysphonia

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    This paper addressees the problem of multiclass of Parkinson’s disease by the characteristic features of person’s voice. So we computed 22 dysphonia measures from 375 voice samples of healthy and people suffer from PD. We used the particle swarm optimization (PSO) feature selection method, with random forest and the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) along with the 4-fold cross validation analysis to classify the subjects in 4 classes according to the severity of symptoms. With a classification accuracy score of 95.2%. Promisingly, the proposed diagnosis system might serve as a powerful tool for diagnosing PD, and could also extended for other voice pathologies

    Assessing the advancement of artificial intelligence and drones’ integration in agriculture through a bibliometric study

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    Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) with drones has emerged as a promising paradigm for advancing agriculture. This bibliometric analysis investigates the current state of research in this transformative domain by comprehensively reviewing 234 pertinent articles from Scopus and Web of Science databases. The problem involves harnessing AI-driven drones' potential to address agricultural challenges effectively. To address this, we conducted a bibliometric review, looking at critical components, such as prominent journals, co-authorship patterns across countries, highly cited articles, and the co-citation network of keywords. Our findings underscore a growing interest in using AI-integrated drones to revolutionize various agricultural practices. Noteworthy applications include crop monitoring, precision agriculture, and environmental sensing, indicative of the field’s transformative capacity. This pioneering bibliometric study presents a comprehensive synthesis of the dynamic research landscape, signifying the first extensive exploration of AI and drones in agriculture. The identified knowledge gaps point to future research opportunities, fostering the adoption and implementation of these technologies for sustainable farming practices and resource optimization. Our analysis provides essential insights for researchers and practitioners, laying the groundwork for steering agricultural advancements toward an enhanced efficiency and innovation era


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    Breast cancer causes a huge number of women’s deaths every year. The accurate localization of a breast lesion is a crucial stage. The segmentation of breast ultrasound images participates in the improvement of the process of detection of breast anomalies. An automatic approach of segmentation of breast ultrasound images is presented in this paper, the proposed model is a modified u-net called Attention Residual U-net, designed to help radiologists in their clinical examination to determine adequately the limitation of breast tumors. Attention Residual U-net is a combination of existing models (Convolutional Neural Network U-net, the Attention Gate Mechanism and the Residual Neural Network). Public breast ultrasound images dataset of Baheya hospital in Egypt is used in this work. Dice coefficient, Jaccard index and Accuracy are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model on the test set. Attention residual u-net can significantly give a dice coefficient = 90%, Jaccard index = 76% and Accuracy = 90%. The proposed model is compared with two other breast segmentation methods on the same dataset. The results show that the modified U-net model was able to achieve accurate segmentation of breast lesions in breast ultrasound images.Każdego roku rak piersi powoduje ogromną liczbę zgonów kobiet. Dokładna lokalizacja zmiany piersi jest kluczowym etapem. Segmentacja obrazów ultrasonograficznych piersi przyczynia się do poprawy procesu wykrywania nieprawidłowości piersi. W tym artykule przedstawiono automatyczne podejście do segmentacji obrazów ultrasonograficznych piersi, proponowany model to zmodyfikowany U-net, nazwany Attention Residual U-net, zaprojektowany w celu wspomagania radiologów podczas badania klinicznego, w celu odpowiedniego określenia zasięgu guzów piersiowych. Attention Residual U-net jest połączeniem istniejących modeli (konwolucyjną siecią neuronową U-net, Attention Gate Mechanism  i Residual Neural Network). W tym badaniu wykorzystano publiczny zbiór danych obrazów ultrasonograficznych piersi szpitala Baheya w Egipcie. Do oceny wydajności zaproponowanego modelu na zbiorze testowym wykorzystano współczynnik Dice'a, indeks Jaccarda i dokładność. Attention Residual U-net może znacznie przyczynić się do uzyskania współczynnika Dice'a równego 90%, indeksu Jaccarda równego 76% i dokładności równiej 90%. Proponowany model został porównany z dwoma innymi metodami segmentacji piersi na tym samym zbiorze danych. Wyniki pokazują, że zmodyfikowany model U-net był w stanie osiągnąć dokładną segmentację zmian piersiowych na obrazach ultrasonograficznych piersi


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    In 2019, the whole world is facing a health emergency due to the emergence of the coronavirus (COVID-19). About 223 countries are affected by the coronavirus. Medical and health services face difficulties to manage the disease, which requires a significant amount of health system resources. Several artificial intelligence-based systems are designed to automatically detect COVID-19 for limiting the spread of the virus. Researchers have found that this virus has a major impact on voice production due to the respiratory system's dysfunction. In this paper, we investigate and analyze the effectiveness of cough analysis to accurately detect COVID-19. To do so, we performed binary classification, distinguishing positive COVID patients from healthy controls. The records are collected from the Coswara Dataset, a crowdsourcing project from the Indian Institute of Science (IIS). After data collection, we extracted the MFCC from the cough records. These acoustic features are mapped directly to the Decision Tree (DT), k-nearest neighbor (kNN) for k equals to 3, support vector machine (SVM), and deep neural network (DNN), or after a dimensionality reduction using principal component analysis (PCA), with 95 percent variance or 6 principal components. The 3NN classifier with all features has produced the best classification results. It detects COVID-19 patients with an accuracy of 97.48 percent, 96.96 percent f1-score, and 0.95 MCC. Suggesting that this method can accurately distinguish healthy controls and COVID-19 patients

    Computer Vision-Based Approach for Automated Monitoring and Assessment of Gait Rehabilitation at Home

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    This study presents a markerless video-based human gait analysis system for automatic assessment of at-home rehabilitation. A marker-based MoCap system (Vicon) is used to evaluate the accuracy of the proposed approach. Additionally, a novel gait rehabilitation score based on the Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) algorithm is introduced, enabling quantification of rehabilitation progress. The accuracy of the proposed approach is assessed by comparing it to a marker-based MoCap system (Vicon), which is used to evaluate the proposed approach. This evaluation results in mean absolute errors (MAE) of 4.8° and 5.2° for the left knee, and 5.9° and 5.7° for the right knee, demonstrating an acceptable accuracy in knee angle measurements. The obtained scores effectively distinguish between normal and abnormal gait patterns. Subjects with normal gait exhibit scores around 97.5%, 98.8%, while those with abnormal gait display scores around 30%, 29%, respectively. Furthermore, a subject at an advanced stage of rehabilitation achieved a score of 65%. These scores provide valuable insights for patients, allowing them to assess their rehabilitation progress and distinguish between different levels of gait recovery. The proposed markerless approach demonstrates acceptable accuracy in measuring knee joint angles during a sagittal walk and provides a reliable rehabilitation score, making it a convenient and cost-effective alternative for automatic at-home rehabilitation monitoring

    U-Net transfer learning backbones for lesions segmentation in breast ultrasound images

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    Breast ultrasound images are highly valuable for the early detection of breast cancer. However, the drawback of these images is low-quality resolution and the presence of speckle noise, which affects their interpretability and makes them radiologists’ expertise-dependent. As medical images, breast ultrasound datasets are scarce and imbalanced, and annotating them is tedious and time-consuming. Transfer learning, as a deep learning technique, can be used to overcome the dataset deficiency in available images. This paper presents the implementation of transfer learning U-Net backbones for the automatic segmentation of breast ultrasound lesions and implements a threshold selection mechanism to deliver optimal generalized segmentation results of breast tumors. The work uses the public breast ultrasound images (BUSI) dataset and implements ten state-of-theart candidate models as U-Net backbones. We have trained these models with a five-fold cross-validation technique on 630 images with benign and malignant cases. Five out of ten models showed good results, and the best U-Net backbone was found to be DenseNet121. It achieved an average Dice coefficient of 0.7370 and a sensitivity of 0.7255. The model’s robustness was also evaluated against normal cases, and the model accurately detected 72 out of 113 images, which is higher than the four best models


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    Transfer Learning (TL) is a popular deep learning technique used in medical image analysis, especially when data is limited. It leverages pre-trained knowledge from State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) models and applies it to specific applications through Fine-Tuning (FT). However, fine-tuning large models can be time-consuming, and determining which layers to use can be challenging. This study explores different fine-tuning strategies for five SOTA models (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, ResNet101, and InceptionV3) pre-trained on ImageNet. It also investigates the impact of the classifier by using a linear SVM for classification. The experiments are performed on four open-access ultrasound datasets related to breast cancer, thyroid nodules cancer, and salivary glands cancer. Results are evaluated using a five-fold stratified cross-validation technique, and metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall are computed. The findings show that fine-tuning 15% of the last layers in ResNet50 and InceptionV3 achieves good results. Using SVM for classification further improves overall performance by 6% for the two best-performing models. This research provides insights into fine-tuning strategies and the importance of the classifier in transfer learning for ultrasound image classification.Transfer Learning (TL) to popularna technika głębokiego uczenia stosowana w analizie obrazów medycznych, zwłaszcza gdy ilość danych jest ograniczona. Wykorzystuje ona wstępnie wyszkoloną wiedzę z modeli State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) i zastosowanie ich do konkretnych aplikacji poprzez dostrajanie (Fine-Tuning – FT). Jednak dostrajanie dużych modeli może być czasochłonne, a określenie, których warstw użyć, może stanowić wyzwanie. W niniejszym badaniu przeanalizowano różne strategie dostrajania dla pięciu modeli SOTA (VGG16, VGG19, ResNet50, ResNet101 i InceptionV3) wstępnie wytrenowanych na ImageNet. Zbadano również wpływ klasyfikatora przy użyciu liniowej SVM do klasyfikacji. Eksperymenty przeprowadzono na czterech ogólnodostępnych zbiorach danych ultrasonograficznych związanych z rakiem piersi, rakiem guzków tarczycy i rakiem gruczołów ślinowych. Wyniki są oceniane przy użyciu techniki pięciowarstwowej walidacji krzyżowej, a wskaźniki takie jak dokładność, precyzja i odzyskiwanie są obliczane. Wyniki pokazują, że dostrojenie 15% ostatnich warstw w ResNet50 i InceptionV3 osiąga dobre wyniki. Użycie SVM do klasyfikacji dodatkowo poprawia ogólną wydajność o 6% dla dwóch najlepszych modeli. Badania te zapewniają informacje na temat strategii dostrajania i znaczenia klasyfikatora w uczeniu transferowym dla klasyfikacji obrazów ultrasonograficznych


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    Breast cancer causes a huge number of women’s deaths every year. The accurate localization of a breast lesion is a crucial stage. The segmentation of breast ultrasound images participates in the improvement of the process of detection of breast anomalies. An automatic approach of segmentation of breast ultrasound images is presented in this paper, the proposed model is a modified u-net called Attention Residual U-net, designed to help radiologists in their clinical examination to determine adequately the limitation of breast tumors. Attention Residual U-net is a combination of existing models (Convolutional Neural Network U-net, the Attention Gate Mechanism and the Residual Neural Network). Public breast ultrasound images dataset of Baheya hospital in Egypt is used in this work. Dice coefficient, Jaccard index and Accuracy are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed model on the test set. Attention residual u-net can significantly give a dice coefficient = 90%, Jaccard index = 76% and Accuracy = 90%. The proposed model is compared with two other breast segmentation methods on the same dataset. The results show that the modified U-net model was able to achieve accurate segmentation of breast lesions in breast ultrasound images

    Detection of adult video scenes with an hybrid method based on color of skin

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    Cet article propose des techniques de classification permettant la reconnaissance et le filtrage des scènes vidéo pour adultes. Le processus de filtrage proposé est composé de deux algorithmes. Le premier algorithme est basé sur la détection de la peau dans les images fixes en utilisant le modèle hybride RGB-H-CbCr. Quant au deuxième, il considère l'aspect variation temporelle des scènes vidéo. La combinaison de ces deux algorithmes permet d'exploiter conjointement la composante temporelle et la richesse des images dans une scène